Spotted on shirts and bumper stickers throughout the Lowcountry, is the common phrase, “Friends don’t let friends eat imported shrimp.” It’s a mission statement that hardly a crustacean-loving soul seems to be against. Yet, as the number of those bumper stickers swell on the backside of vehicles, our American shrimping industry is quickly vanishing; a real problem conveyed my latest novel, Last Light over Carolina.
The protagonist Bud Morrison thought to himself while on his family shrimp boat, "One thing he knew for sure, though, was that sitting on board the Miss Ann that day with the best damn captain on the southeastern sea and the boast's belly full of booty, the men had felt proud. They were the hunters returning with their kill. Thousands of little critters were nestled on ice. Back then, they'd felt like kings of their world. And for a shining moment, they were."
If we choose to live out the slogan "friends don't let friends eat imported shrimp," our simple actions could help in the fight to save the livelihoods of shrimpers families by living out the bumper sticker message.
So what can you do? Read more at: www.wildamericanshrimp.com
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Mary Alice